Pokemon Fans Are Comparing How Beautiful New Pokemon Snap Is As Compared To Sword And Shield

Pokemon Fans Are Comparing How Beautiful New Pokemon Snap Is As Compared To Sword And Shield

After New Pokemon Snap’s official announcement yesterday, Pokemon fans all over social media networks worldwide revived a highly debated topic from 2019 – Pokemon Sword and Shield’s graphics.

The debate was sparked because many people started comparing New Pokemon Snap’s graphics with Pokemon Sword and Shield’s graphics, and obviously, New Pokemon Snap looks much better than Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Some Pokemon fans were angry that Game Freak couldn’t make Pokemon Sword and Shield look similar to the New Pokemon Snap’s graphics, while others say both are very different types of games and thus, it wouldn’t be fair to compare the graphics of both games.

It is important to point out that Bandai Namco Studios, not Game Freak, is developing New Pokemon Snap.

We leave you with some of the comments made below:





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