Pokemon GO CP Values To Be Adjusted Tomorrow
Last month, The Pokemon Company and Niantic announced they’d be implementing a series of changes to Pokemon effectiveness in battles in Pokemon GO.
Some of the changes include changes to CP values, HP values, and Defense and Stamina values. The changes will be rolled out on November 14, 2018 at 1pm Pacific Time.
See the full details below:
Changes to Pokémon Effectiveness in Battle
We also wanted to use this opportunity to rebalance in-game battle mechanics. You may notice some of the following changes in the coming weeks:
- CP values will be adjusted going forward to improve game balance.
- HP values will be adjusted to close the gap between high HP Pokémon and low HP Pokémon.
- Pokémon Defense and Stamina values will be retroactively rebalanced, allowing highly defensive Pokémon to be valuable in battle by outlasting opponents rather than simply running out the clock.
- Defense values have also been slightly retroactively reduced for most Pokémon. Changes like these will help narrow the gap between Pokémon with the highest defensive stats and other Pokémon.