Pokemon GO’s CP System Brought Over To Pokemon Let’s GO

Pokemon GO’s CP System Brought Over To Pokemon Let’s GO

A major component that exists in Pokemon GO is making its way to Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu/Eevee for Nintendo Switch.

The component is called CP (Combat Power), a number that tells the user how powerful a Pokemon is in battle. In Pokemon GO, CP is calculated by taking into account the Pokemon’s attack, defense, and stamina stats.

As previous games in the traditional Pokemon RPG series don’t have the CP system in place (stats in the core games are HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, Speed), this could very well mean Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu/Eevee are utilizing the simplified stats system Pokemon GO has in place.

This may be bad news for long time fans who are hoping the games aren’t watered down further, but good news for Pokemon GO trainers dipping their toes into the core series for the first time.

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