Pokemon Huggable Plushies Announced For Japan
UPDATE – Up for pre-order at NintendoSoup Store here.
The Pokemon Company has announced a new line of huggable cushion plushies for Japan.
This trio of plushies are based on Dratini, Furret, and Eelektrik, all three of which have long bodies that are perfect for hugging.
Check out some preview images below:
思わずぎゅっと抱きしめたくなる大きさの、ビーズクッションだよ。https://t.co/ufiRLbLPoC #ポケモンセンターオンライン pic.twitter.com/QkhHFjXjI9— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) July 13, 2023
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