Pokemon Scale World Kanto Figurine Heights Revealed
Bandai has revealed the actual heights for the first Pokemon Scale World: Kanto figurines launching in Japan later this year.
Included in the Pokemon Scale World: Kanto set are 11 1/20 figurines of Pokemon and the Pokemon trainer Red. Here are their heights:
- Charmander: 30mm
- Squirtle: 25mm
- Bulbasaur: 35mm
- Pikachu: 20mm
- Charmeleon: 55mm
- Eevee: 15mm
- Wartotle: 50mm
- Mew: 20mm
- Ivysaur: 50mm
- Mewtwo: 100mm
- Trainer Red: 70mm
Pokemon Scale World Kanto and other sets exclusive to Premium Bandai in Japan are now available for pre-order at NintendoSoup Store.
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