Pokemon Scarlet/Violet “Discover Paldea” Videos And Mystery Gift Code Released
The Pokemon Company has released some new promotional videos for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
The videos are titled “Discover Paldea” and are tied into the current Tera Raid and Mass Outbreak events. A total of three animations were shared featuring a group of trainers exploring Pokemon Scarlet And Violet‘s Paldea region.
At the end of the final video, a mystery gift code P4LD3AP1CN1C, allowing players to redeem 5 Pickles, 5 Tomatoes, 5 Onions, 5 Hamburger, 5 Egg and 5 Potato Salad sandwich ingredients. This code will be valid until January 19th 2025, and can be redeemed using the following steps:
- Launch your Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet game.
- Unlock Mystery Gift by playing through the Main Story and reaching the first Pokemon Center.
- Select Poke Portal on the X menu.
- Select Mystery Gift.
- Select “Get with Code/Password” and input the code
- Watch as the gift arrives in your game. (Pokémon will appear in your party or your Pokémon Boxes.)
- Be sure to save your game.
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