Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Official Guidebooks Japanese Release Dates And In-Game Bonus Codes Detailed
The Pokemon Company has shared some information about a set of official guidebooks for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet that will be releasing in Japan.
The first book being released is the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Official Complete Story guide, which includes information related to the game’s story, including region and character setting materials. It will also include a serial code that redeems 100 potions within the games. It will release on December 16th 2022.
The second book is the Pokemon Scarlet And Violet Paldea Pokedex guide, which presumably includes information about all the Pokemon that will be featured in the game, including the brand new monsters that will appear. It will release on February 2nd 2023, and will come with a code to redeem 100 Exp Candy S.
『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット』のガイドブックが発売決定!
くわしくはこちら!https://t.co/HkzgqKXzlY #ポケモンSV pic.twitter.com/C7YmcLEa0S— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) October 14, 2022
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