Pokemon Sword And Shield File Size Revealed, Takes Up 10.3GB
Images of Japanese download cards for Pokemon Sword And Shield have surfaced online, revealing the game’s file size.
As shared in the Tweet by MIN428 below, one copy of Pokemon Sword or Shield will occupy a whopping 10.3 GB of space. In comparison, Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu/Eevee weighs in at less than half the size at 4.2 GB of space. In addition, the download card also shows that Turtonator will be available in the game.
ていうか あらかじめダウンロードが始まる前にDLカードが出回るってSwitchだと珍しいような。 pic.twitter.com/gedxfmB987— みのり (@MIN428) October 14, 2019
Pokemon Sword And Shield release on November 15th for Nintendo Switch.
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