Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Are The First Open World Games In The Core Series
During today’s Pokemon Presents, the ninth generation core Pokemon games, Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, were officially revealed to the world. Both games launch on Nintendo Switch in late 2022.
Thanks to the Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Japanese website we now have more details on what the games are about.
First, The Pokemon Company has confirmed Pokemon Scarlet/Violet are the first open world games in the Pokemon core series. The website states that players will be able to “freely go on an adventure” of their own, and various parts of the world such as forests and towns are all “seamlessly connected” to each other. Players have also been promised they will be able to see the “ocean, sky, forest, and town” without limits.
Next, we have also received confirmation on the Japanese transliterated starter names, which are as follows: Nyaoha (Grass) / Hogeeta (Fire) / Kuwassu (Water).
In addition, the uniforms you start out wearing in the game will differ depending on whether you purchase Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet:
Last but not least, Pokemon HOME support has also been confirmed for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, which means you’ll be able to bring Pokemon from other regions into the new games. More details will be released in the future.
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