Bookbound Brigade Physical Edition (Switch)

Bookbound Brigade Physical Edition (Switch)


Free international shipping and tracking. Official Nintendo Switch physical release (Japanese boxart) for Bookbound Brigade sold exclusively in Asia. Will not be released in North America and Europe. Region free.

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IMPORTANT: This is a pre-order item. Your credit card will be charged at checkout. Ships on or after the release date. Please read our store policy first if you are a new customer.

Release date: March 12, 2020

Description: Free international shipping and tracking. Official Nintendo Switch physical release (Japanese boxart) for Bookbound Brigade sold exclusively in Asia. Will not be released in North America and Europe. Region free.

Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese

Shipping: Free International Shipping (Airmail) with tracking number – takes 5 to 14 working days for North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, about 2 to 4 weeks for Central America and South America. Ships directly from Singapore


Bookbound Brigade Physical Edition(Switch)

Game Description:

Bookbound Brigade is a new take on the established Metroidvania genre where classic stories
and well-known characters get the video game treatment, and where the player gets to lead
a colorful bunch of real and fictional heroes through a 2D side-scrolling platform-adventure in
a quest to battle overwhelming hordes of monsters and bring order back to the literary world.


Explore, fight, backtrack, grow your skills and tackle challenging quests and puzzles,as in any Metroidvania game worthy of its name, but get ready for a twist
There is no single hero in Bookbound Brigade: you play as a party of unique characters,each with their own traits and skills, who move in formation and fight as one
All the characters, both playing and non-playing, are drawn from the pages of historyand literature, so expect to meet some familiar and less familiar faces!
The distinctive hand-drawn visuals, inspired by book illustration from all time, strayfar from the pixel art dominating the Metroidvania genre

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