Puchikon4 SmileBASIC Launches May 23 On Switch, Supports Labo Toy-Con
SmileBoom, the developers of the game creation program Puchikon4 SmileBASIC, have announced that the app will be released May 23, 2019 on Nintendo Switch in Japan.
Puchikon4 SmileBASIC will cost 3000 yen (including 8% sales tax) on the Nintendo eShop. The price includes a server usage ticket. Games coded with Puchikon4 SmileBASIC support Joy-Con, HD Rumble, IR Camera, and all Nintendo Labo Toy-Con ever made.
Owners of Puchikon4 SmileBASIC will be able to share their creations with other players via the Internet through upload and download features. In addition, the previously announced Puchikon4 SmileBASIC keyboard and mouse set are now available at Tsukumo in Japan.
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