Reggie Says Nintendo Usually Calls Him Reggie-San, Didn’t Expect People To Still Ask Him About Mother 3
We have three more interesting comments coming from former Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime at his Cornell lecture yesterday.
First, Reggie talked about his work with Nintendo Co., Ltd (“NCL”) when he was President at Nintendo of America. Reggie revealed that employees at NCL usually called him “Reggie-san”, which means “Mr. Reggie” in Japanese. It also seemed that Reggie talked to those at NCL a lot, even for things outside of business.
Next, Reggie was asked about how much say companies like The Pokemon Company and Retro Studios had a say in deciding release dates for games published by Nintendo. Reggie said both companies have some involvement in deciding when to release a game, though decisions like these are usually made through “back-and-forth” between Nintendo and their partners.
Last but not least, a member of the audience asked Reggie when was Mother 3 going to release. The entire audience burst into laughter, and Reggie joked that he thought he had “finally escaped” that question until now.
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