Rumor: Dataminers Uncover Unannounced Details About Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Indigo Disk DLC

Rumor: Dataminers Uncover Unannounced Details About Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Indigo Disk DLC

Following the discovery of the full Indigo Disk Pokedex, dataminers have uncovered even more unannounced content the second half of Pokemon Scarlet And Violet‘s Hidden Treasures Of Area Zero DLC.

This information once again comes from Pokemon dataminer Mattyoukhana_, who uncovered it by analyzing stubbed text entries that were left in the DLC’s first part The Teal Mask. Read on past the spoiler warning below for the full details:

The data uncovered reveals the following key information:

  • The BB League’s Elite 4 are Fairy, Fire, Steel, and Dragon
  • A number of new outfits and trainer customization options.
  • There will be a new storyline involving Perrin, although it will seemingly be shorter than her story from The Teal Mask.
  • There will be a new storyline involving Nemona, Arven, Penny, Carmine, and Kieran.

You can read Mattyoukhana_’s full tweets below:

As with all leaks of this nature, we caution readers to take them with a grain of salt. Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
