Rumor: Unannounced Characters For Mortal Kombat 11 Leaked Through Steam Achievements
Steam Achievements has put up the full list of achievements for Mortal Kombat 11, and it appears that the list of achievements may have dropped hints to who’s inside Mortal Kombat 11’s roster.
Based on the codenames found in the achievements, ResetERA user bluexy has inferred there are 10 unannounced characters. Here are his guesses:
Warning – Potential spoilers after the image.
Err – Erron Black
Kun – Kung Lao
Cas – Cassie Cage
Jad – Jade
Cet – ?
Fro – Frost
Kot – Kotal Kahn
Jac – Jax/Jacqui
Ter – ? Nimbus Terrafaux
Kol – ?
Keep in mind these are simply guesses so we’ll have to wait for Warner Bros. Interactive to announce the complete roster. In case you’re interested, here’s the full list of Steam Achievements:
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.