SEGA’s Director Of Animation: The World Is Ready For Another Sonic TV Show

SEGA’s Director Of Animation: The World Is Ready For Another Sonic TV Show

Are you a huge fan of various Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons from past and recent years? Well, we might not be far off from seeing the blue blur’s next adventure in an animated series once more!

In a new interview with, SEGA’s director of animation Yukio Kusumoto  commented on the recent ‘Sonic Mania Adventures‘ short animations – and their popularity online. When asked if fans worldwide will get to see a full-on cartoon in the same style, Kusumoto-san replied as follows:

Yukio Kusumoto: I think the world is definitely ready for another TV show, and I would love to work on it. There are several discussions and this is coming from me personally […] I would love Sonic to continue, so I’ll keep trying to put more stuff out there.

Would you love seeing a Sonic TV show in the same style as SEGA’s recent short animations? Feel free to share your thoughts below!
