Serena’s Dessert Party Event Officially Announced For Pokemon Masters
DeNA has announced a new special event heading for Pokemon Masters.
The event is called “Serena’s Dessert Party”, and features the debut of Pokemon X & Y‘s main female trainer and her partner Fennekin in the game. A video preview was posted on the official Pokemon Masters Twitter account, which you can find below:
元気がないハガネールにお菓子を作るため、お菓子の素材を集めに行きますが……どうぞお楽しみに!#ポケマス pic.twitter.com/SvoT4dcwv4
— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) June 28, 2020
According to a previous datamine, the event will likely begin on 30th June, and will be accompanied by a spotlight scout event for Serena & Fennekin. We will be sure to bring more details as they come.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.