Sony CEO Doesn’t See Potential In Nintendo Switch
Think the Nintendo Switch has potential to succeed? Sony gaming head honcho Andrew House doesn’t think so.
In an interview with Bloomberg, Andrew said that Sony doesn’t have any plans to take on the Nintendo Switch, as they see limited potential for handheld gaming in the age of smartphones.
The Nintendo device (Switch) is a hybrid device and that’s a different approach and strategy. We have not seen that as being a huge market opportunity. The Vita experience was that outside of Japan and Asia, there was not a huge demand. The lifestyle shift toward the dominance of smartphones as the single key device that is always with you, was the determining factor.
Andrew added that he doesn’t see the Nintendo Switch affecting PS4 hardware and software sales.
That draws me to the conclusion that they’ve really been additive to the business in the last year or so. The folks at Nintendo have their strategy and that’s great. We remain focused around a highly connected gaming experience and also coupled with having a great range of other entertainment experiences so you can reach multiple people on the big screen in the household.
Do you agree with what Andrew said? Let us know in the comments below.