Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania For Switch Will Support Gyro Controls
Earlier this year, SEGA officially revealed Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania for Nintendo Switch. Along with the series’ trademark ball-rolling fun, it looks like Switch owners will also get to enjoy the remastered adventure with a tilt of their wrists!
Super Monkey Ball Producer Masao Shirosaki has shared that the game will indeed support gyro controls on the Nintendo Switch. He also shared a quick clip to showcase this feature, which you can check out below:
試しにSwitchでやってみるとこんな感じです😁#スーパーモンキーボール#SuperMonkeyBall#SMB#SMBBM#BananaMania pic.twitter.com/rDjzAGcuoz— 城崎 雅夫/Masao Shirosaki (@ShirosakiMasao) July 12, 2021
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania will be hitting Nintendo Switch on 5 October 2021. You can pre-order a copy over here (ships worldwide, while stocks last)