[Update]: Super Nintendo World Japan Donkey Kong Expansion Opening Delayed To Late 2024
Universal Studios Japan has announced a delay for the Donkey Kong Expansion coming to Super Nintendo World Japan.
Originally planned to open in Spring 2024, the area will now be opening in “Late 2024”. A specific reason for the delay was not specified, but its likely that its just construction taking longer than expected. Universal Japan apologized for the delay and promised to share more updates at a later date.
お知らせします。— ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン公式 (@USJ_Official) April 19, 2024
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[Update]: Universal Japan has released an official statement about the delay. The reasoning for the delay can be found below, translated by Nintendosoup:
“To further enhance and improve the guest experience, we have determined that additional time is needed for adjustments.”