Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Completely Sells Out At One Of Japan’s Largest Retailers
Yodobashi Camera, one of the largest retailers in Japan, has completely sold out of copies of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
This is the first time this has ever happened for a first party Nintendo Switch title in Japan. First party titles are often well stocked to ensure they don’t immediately sell out. Yodobashi Camera went out of stock on December 10, three days after the launch of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. So as you can tell the demand for the game is very high.
In other news, COMG rankings have put Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s selling potential at a whopping 1438 points, indicating the game is selling extremely well in Japan. Coming in at a very distant second is Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu at 50 points. Nintendo could very well have a smash hit on their hands, potentially doing way better than anyone thought.
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