“Super Smash Sisters” Spirit Event Announced For Smash Ultimate
Nintendo has announced the latest spirit board event for Super Smash Bros Ultimate starting May 31st
This time, the event will revolve around various Heroines from Nintendo’s games and beyond. In addition, Peachette will be available as a limited time spirit for the duration of the event. Like the previous Spirit Board events, it will last for three days starting this Friday.
5/31(金)から5日間、スピリッツボードのイベント「かわいくてゴメンあそばせ」を開催! 開催期間中、スピリッツボードにヒロインキャラクターが大集合! さらに、今回のイベント期間限定のスピリットも出現しますよ! どうかお見逃しなく!#スマブラSP pic.twitter.com/SxyqwhAylp— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) May 29, 2019
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