Switch Hacker Group Salesman Gary Bowser Released From Prison, But Will Be Paying Damages To Nintendo For Life
Last year, Gary Bowser, a member of the Switch hacking group Team Xecutor, was sentenced to over three years of prison after being arrested for his role in selling hacked consoles for the group.
On account of his good behavior, Bowser is now ending his prison sentence early and is currently being processed to return home to Toronto Canada. However, he will still be required to pay $10 million in damages to Nintendo, which amounts to over 30 times what Bowser made selling hacked Switch products. As it would be impossible for him to pay back this amount all at once, Nintendo will be taking 25-30% of his income until the damages are paid back.
Given that Bowser is already over 50 years old, this would essentially mean that he will be in debt to Nintendo for the rest of his natural life. During his time in prison, he was able to earn a small income that allowed him to pay Nintendo $25 dollars a month, amounting to $175 overall, a miniscule drop in the ocean of the $10 million he will have to pay back.
To many, forcing Bowser to pay back the fine in full comes across as overly harsh, not only due to his comparatively smaller role in the operation compared to his former colleagues, but also since its unlikely Nintendo will ever be able to recoup the entire amount from Bowser. Stay tuned for more updates should they become available.
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