Nintendo Norway Says Bayonetta 3 And Metroid Prime 4 Are Coming In 2018
To ring in the new year, the official Nintendo Norway website published an article on what gamers could expect in 2018.
Verified Reddit Leaker Claims Bayonetta 3 Is Releasing In 2018
A Reddit user by the name _darth_solo has come forward on Reddit claiming Bayonetta 3 is releasing on Nintendo Switch in 2018, according to a “reliable source”.
Bayonetta 3 Up For Pre-Order On Amazon US
Amazon US has put up pre-orders for Bayonetta 3, exclusive to Nintendo Switch.
Bayonetta 3 Coming Exclusively To Switch
Fans of action games rejoice! Reggie Fils-Aimé went on-stage at The Game Awards to announce that Bayonetta 3 will be coming exclusively to the Nintendo Switch. No further details or a release window have been announced at this time, but you can check out the stylish teaser trailer after the break.