Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu Writers Discuss Whether Ash Exists In Its Universe

We've already heard from the staff of Detective Pikachu about whether the film is canon to the games, but what…

6 years ago

Detective Pikachu Writers Share Thoughts On Whether Film Is Canon

Those of you who have already seen Detective Pikachu would know that there are quite a few references to the…

6 years ago

Garbodor Was Originally Planned For Pokemon Detective Pikachu But Then Later Cut

Recently, the screenwriters of the newly released film Pokemon Detective Pikachu ,Dan Hernández and Benji Sami, were interviewed by Blank…

6 years ago

Detective Pikachu Writers Interested In Making a Jigglypuff Solo Film

With Detective Pikachu already shaping up to be a massive success, at least one or more sequels and spin-offs seem…

6 years ago

Pokemon Co. Specifically Requested Less Emphasis On Pokemon Battles In Detective Pikachu

Despite being a Pokemon film, Detective Pikachu features surprisingly few traditional Pokemon Battles, normally a staple of the long-running franchise.…

6 years ago

The Pokemon Company Wasn’t Comfortable With Lickitung’s Appearance In Detective Pikachu

Apart from Mr Mime, there was one other Pokemon from Detective Pikachu fans found rather disturbing to see in the…

6 years ago

Detective Pikachu Projected To Beat Avengers Endgame With a Goal Of $160 Million In The Global Box Office

In the US alone, Detective Pikachu managed to gross $64 million but sadly could not beat the hugely successful Avengers…

6 years ago

Audience Members Are Mocking The Sonic Movie In Screenings Of Detective Pikachu

In seems that in screenings of the recently released Detective Pikachu, the trailer for the upcoming controversial Sonic movie is…

6 years ago

Room Full Of Kids Terrified When Theater Accidentally Plays Horror Film Instead Of Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu is finally out in theaters, attracting huge audiences of adults and children alike. One theater however received a…

6 years ago

Detective Pikachu Writers Pushed For Psyduck’s Inclusion In The Film From The Start

In an interview with Syfywire, Detective Pikachu writers Benji Samit and Dan Hernandez explained how Psyduck of all Pokemon became…

6 years ago