SNK Announces Mai Shiranui Pop-Up Shop In Japan, To Celebrate Her Birthday
While we won’t be able to enjoy Mai Shiranui’s long videogame history in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it looks like Japanese folks will still get to commemorate the character’s birthday in style during the New Year!
Fans Are Creating Mai Shiranui Stages And Mii Fighters In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
As many readers will know, the Fatal Fury character Mai Shiranui was intentionally left out from the latest Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC pack as she was deemed too mature for the family-friendly title. We originally had some memes joking about the situation – but of course, fans have now taken things one step further.
Fans React to Mai Shiranui’s Exclusion From Super Smash Bros. Ultimate With Memes
Earlier this week, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate producer Masahiro Sakurai revealed more details about the newest DLC fighter: Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury. One of the most talked-about segments in the video presentation, however, was Sakurai pointing out specifically that SNK’s Mai Shiranui would not be making a cameo as part of Terry’s DLC – because she was too mature-looking for its family-friendly rating.