Ni no Kuni Animated Film Voice Cast Includes Mamoru Miyano, Kenjiro Tsuda, Maaya Sakamoto & More
Warner Bros. has revealed the stars who will play the voice-over roles in the recently announced Ni no Kuni animated movie.
Video: Ni No Kuni Film Announcement Press Conference
Warner Bros. Japan has uploaded the full video of the Ni no Kuni movie announcement press conference in Japan.
Ni No Kuni Movie Heads To Japan This Summer
Warner Bros. Japan and Level-5 have announced their upcoming movie project that’s 10 years in the making – an animated film featuring Ni no Kuni.
Ni no Kuni DS Game Finally Receives Full English Translation
Hardwork and dedication finally pay off as a team of dedicated Ni no Kuni fans has completed the first ever english fan-translation for the original DS game!