SNK has unveiled the thirteenth character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot on consoles. This next trailer features Jubei…
SNK has unveiled the next character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot on consoles. This next trailer features Galford…
During YouTube's E3 2019 stream, SNK finally revealed that Samurai Shodown's first DLC character would be a new character called…
SNK has unveiled the tenth character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot on consoles. This next trailer features Tam…
SNK has unveiled the ninth character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot on consoles. This next trailer features Yoshitora…
SNK has unveiled the eighth character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot. This next trailer features Yashamaru – one…
Athlon Games and SNK have published a new lengthy trailer for Samurai Shodown featuring new gameplay features and modes! On…
SNK has unveiled the sixth character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot. This next trailer features Genjuro – a man…
SNK has announced three NEOGEO Mini Samurai Shodown Limited Edition sets in Japan to commemorate the launch of the upcoming…
SNK has unveiled the fifth character-focused trailer for the upcoming Samurai Shodown reboot. This next trailer features Charlotte – a blunt,…