Tetris 99 Player Tackles The Game With Modded DK Bongo Controller
One Nintendo fan has decided to turn Tetris 99 into a new personal hell for themselves.
The DK Bongo controllers from the GameCube era are many things, but they certainly aren’t convenient to play with. Many modders have re-purposed the bizarre peripheral to play platformers, shooters, and even Dark Souls – torturing themselves to no end.
Nevertheless, such modders are always seeking out new targets to absorb into the DK Bongo modding scene, and Tetris 99 is no exception. Reddit user jpwho recently uploaded a new video of the bongos working with an Arduino to play some puzzle battle-royale. Check it out below.
made a custom switch controller out of an arduino and some dk bongos from r/NintendoSwitch
Suffice to say, the whole endeavor is very impressive – if not a little painful to watch. Let’s hope no one attempts to earn a victory royale with this set-up