Tetris On NES Finally “Beaten” For The First Time

Tetris On NES Finally “Beaten” For The First Time

35 years after its release, someone has finally “beaten” the original Tetris game for the NES.

The player in question goes by Blue Scuti online, and at just 13 years old, had already made a name for himself in the Tetris competitive scene prior to this achievement. Although Tetris for NES is technically designed to go on forever, becoming faster and faster until the player eventually loses. However, the game does have a “kill screen” programmed into it, whereby the game forcibly crashes if they player manages to somehow surpass its capabilities.

The “kill screen” for Tetris has been reached by AI players before, but Scuti is the first human being to trigger it, likely cementing his name in the annuls of competitive Tetris for years to come. You can check out a video recording of the big moment via his Youtube Channel below:

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