Untitled Goose Game Composer Shares Thoughts On The Game’s Massive Success
As many of you may know, the Untitled Goose Game has become one of the most successful indie games in recent memory, having sold over 1 million copies in three months after its release.
In an interview with Venturebeat, Untitled Goose Game‘s composer Dan Golding, who shared his personal take on the game’s massive success. Golding describes the whole thing as being rather surreal, and believes that the key to the game’s success was offering simple fun and relief from the stresses of the day.
“It was this weird, several stage process where for the first few days, almost the first whole week, we’re like, ‘Yeah, cool, people like this game. That’s great. It’s getting good reviews.Then I remember one morning I woke up and Chrissy Teigen had tweeted out a photo of her and John Legend [buying the game] and was just — I have no frame of reference to understand what’s happening.
I think there’s something about the game that speaks to this moment in time where the whole weight of the world often seems to be crushing people. And this game is just about a goose, you know? Nothing more, nothing less. If the game has done anything, it’s managed to create a little space of relief, which I think is fantastic.”
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