Yokai Watch 4 Japan Exclusive Nintendo Switch Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed
Level-5 have revealed that Yokai Watch 4 for Nintendo Switch (which will be releasing June 6th 2019) will be receiving a variety of exclusive pre-order bonuses for customers in Japan!
Check them out below:
Choice 1
Pre-Order from Amazon JP-
Download code to get the “Red Cat”
Pre-Order from the Level-5 Online Store-
Download code to get the “Region White Silver Sword”
Pre-Order from any other Japanese retailer-
Download code to get the “Golden Gun”
Choice 2
Yokai Watch 4 Whisper artwork and more-
It is possible that these bonuses can be purchased after the game officially launches but if you really want these you should Pre-Order the game in Japan just in case they become out of stock.
If we have any more information to share we will cover it here at NintendoSoup so stay tuned for more!