Yooka-Laylee Developer Playtonic Teases A New Reveal Coming Soon
It looks like the minds behind platforming adventure series Yooka Laylee have something fun cooking up, behind the scenes!
This week, developer Playtonic teased that some sort of reveal was now in the works! While the company did not divulge further details, it promised fans that they would learn more “soon”.
We'd like to give our community, our friends, a giant hug 💚💜
We know you're all wondering what we have cooking, and although we can't say just yet, something will be revealed SOON.
Thank you for being patient with us 🙂
— Playtonic (@PlaytonicGames) February 8, 2021
For those out of the loop, Playtonic are comprised of many ex-Rare developers who had worked on the Banjo-Kazooie series in the past – which inspired their work on Yooka-Laylee as a spiritual successor. They would eventually follow up with Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, a tight platformer that many have compared the Donkey Kong Country titles.
We’ll report back when we hear more about Playtonic’s announcement in the future. Stay tuned!