Yuji Horii Shares New Year’s Message, Says Dragon Quest XII Began Production In 2019
Here’s a truly great news coming from the Dragon Quest creator, himself!
According to a 2020 New Year’s message shared via Twitter by the renowned Dragon Quest video game designer and scenario writer Yuji Horii, the next entry into the Dragon Quest video game series has begun development just last year. The creator also thanks fans who have supported the franchise and have mentioned that it has now been 33 years since the first game has been created.
Read on below for Yuji Horii’s New Year message:
Happy New Year.
Last year we started with publishing the movie Dragon Quest: Your Story, then releasing the Switch version of Dragon Quest 11, the mobile version of DQ Walk, the announcement of The Adventure of Dai anime along with its game adaptation, the production of [DQ]12 and more; even now after 33 years have passed since I made the 1st game, I feel very glad that I can do new challenges like these. Thank you very much to all users who have cheered on Dragon Quest until now, and also to all of the many staff members who have supported me. I don’t know how long I can go on, but I feel like I want to do my best just a little bit more. I hope this year will be an amazing year to everyone. I’m looking forward to work together in this year.
First day of Reiwa 2
Yuji Horii, game designer
あけましておめでとうございます。下にあげた以外にも、まだまだ言えないものもありますが、12は、まだちょっと先になりそうです。でも、その前に発売できるものもあるかも。今年も、よろしくお願いしますね😊 pic.twitter.com/dovPbbkydl
— 堀井雄二 (@YujiHorii) January 1, 2020
We started hearing about Dragon Quest XII since a few months ago during a special Dragon Quest livestream held by Square Enix. Back then, Square Enix revealed that they have started making preparations for the said game and that eager fans will have to wait a little while longer.
Hopefully, we get more news about the next Dragon Quest game this 2020!
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