Pornhub, a website where you can find porn videos, has published some interesting statistics for the year of 2019.
According to Pornhub, the most searched video game character of the year is Zelda, the princess from The Legend of Zelda series. Zelda was searched over 5.6 million times, and her popularity soared by 138%. Other popular characters include Super Mario (No. 4, 96% increase in popularity) and fan-made Bowsette (No. 5, 174% decrease in popularity):
We also learned about the most searched video games on Pornhub. Overwatch came in first, followed by Fortnite, and Pokemon at third:
Lastly, it seems that there are still Wii U users browsing Pornhub. Out of all traffic to Pornhub from video game consoles, Wii U takes 4.3%, and Nintendo 3DS takes 0.4%:
What do you think about Pornhub’s findings?
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