Zoids Wild Receives Third Screenshot, Featuring ‘Gilraptor’
The reveal of Zoids Wild continues to plod along slowly.
Today, the official Zoids Twitter released another screenshot for the game, featuring ‘Gilraptor‘ – an M-sized, Death Metal type Zoid. This dinosaur-like machine is so hardcore, that pilots have to sit on an open-air cockpit at its back – completely exposed!
今冬発売予定のNintendo Switch向けの「ゾイドワイルド」のゲームソフトからギルラプターの画像を入手しました(Z oωo)ノ
この前傾姿勢…たまりませんね…ゴクリ…#ゾイドワイルド#zoidswild pic.twitter.com/I0Zx9DqiqA
— ゾイド【公式】 (@zoids_official) October 14, 2018
We will report more news as it continues to drip in. Takara Tomy are aiming to launch the game in Japan sometime in Winter 2018.