Shigesato Itoi Wants People All Over The World To Read The Satoru Iwata Book
A few days ago, Hobonichi announced Iwata-san, a book containing things late Nintendo President Satoru Iwata spoke to the press and other members of the industry.
Shigesato Itoi, who was a close friend to Iwata and the Editor-in-Chief of Hobonichi, made a few interesting comments about the Iwata-san book on his personal Twitter account today. Here’s what he said (translated by NintendoSoup):
『岩田さん』が出版されると発表したら、かなりたくさんの「翻訳版を出したい」という申し出がありました。すごいなぁ、岩田さん、国際的に人気あるなぁと驚きもしたのですが、まだ日本でも出てないので、すべて「検討中」というお返事になります。たしかに世界中の人に読んでほしいんですけどね。 pic.twitter.com/uzkXX1xGEy
— 糸井 重里 (@itoi_shigesato) June 26, 2019
“After we announced Iwata-san, many people asked for a translated version of the book. I was surprised and impressed that Iwata-san had become popular overseas. As the book isn’t out in Japan yet, I could only say that everything is under consideration. I definitely want to see people all over the world enjoy this book.”
So as you can tell, Itoi himself is interested in translating the book for people outside Japan, though it is under consideration at this time.
Itoi also said the following words about how he thinks Iwata is feeling right now:
— 糸井 重里 (@itoi_shigesato) June 24, 2019
“Iwata-san is a very cheerful book. The book feels like something which Iwata-san would have wanted to be made. I feel the contents of the book are very close to the real Iwata-san.”
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.