The Latest Pokemon GO Regional Exclusive Pokemon Are Much Harder To Find
After the huge update adding Generation 3 Hoenn region Pokemon to Pokemon GO, trainers have started to discover five new Pokemon in the game that are exclusive to certain regions.
The first Pokemon is none other than the Water and Rock type Relicanth, which has been spotted in a few territories – Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanatu, and New Zealand. Many speculate Relicanth will only be catchable in the Pacific Islands region.
Also region exclusive are iconic Electric type pair Plusle and Minun as well as mortal enemies Zangoose and Seviper. Both of these pairs have been separated from one another in different continents, similar to how they were exclusives in either Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Sapphire in the past.
Plusle and Zangoose have been discovered western parts of North America, the Arabian peninsula, and some African countries, while Minun and Seviper have been sighted in Australia, some Northern Middle East countries, and island nations in Europe.