[UPDATE] More Password Codes Revealed For Kirby And The Forgotten Land
Yesterday, Nintendo released a special password for Kirby And The Forgotten Land, which allows players to unlock special items through the Waddle Dee-liveries building in Waddle Dee town.
Since then, more passwords have been released or revealed by Nintendo and HAL Laboratory, all unlocking useful items that can help players on their adventure. You can find a compilation of the codes release so far below along with their rewards (via Perfectly-Nintendo):
- ほおばりヘンケイでだいぼうけん – Star Coin x100, Car-Mouth Cake (available until April 25th)
- MOUTHFULMODE – Star Coin x100, Car-Mouth Cake (available until April 25th)
- KIRBYMICROSITE – Star Coin x150, Attack Boost (available until June 10th)
- BRAWLINGCOLOSSEUM – Star Coin x500, Attack Boost (no end date)
- CLEARDEMO – Star Coin x300 (no end date)
- FIRSTPASSWORD – Star Coin x100 (no end date)
- KIRBYSTORY – Star Coin x300 (no end date)
- KIRBYTHEGOURMET – Rare Stone, Car-Mouth Cake (no end date)
- NEWADVENTURE – Star Coin x300, Rare Stone (no end date)
- THANKYOUMETAKNIGHT – Rare Stone x3 (no end date)
- KIRBYGAMESTOPCAN – Star Coin x150, 1 Maxim Tomato (no end date)
- KIRBYNEWSDESK – Star Coin x150, Energy Drink
- GAMENEWS – Rare Stone
- ICONELEMENTS – Star Coin x300, Kirby Burger (available until May 6th)
Again, we presume that Nintendo and HAL may be releasing more passwords for the game at a later date. Stay tuned for more as it comes.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
[UPDATE 10.04.2022]: More codes added