NintendoSoup is now looking for news reporters to join our team!
As a news reporter, you will report the latest news to tens of thousands of people on a daily basis. News include game announcements, details on upcoming games, new products, new merchandise, fun facts, financial reports, gossip, rumors, interviews – basically everything and anything under the sun as long as it has something got to do with Nintendo.
We are open to anyone that has a passion for Nintendo and is willing to commit themselves to report the latest news on a regular, daily basis, at the fastest speed humanly possible.
If you think you can make the cut, have a look at the job scope and requirements below. Applications close November 8, 2018 11:59pm Pacific Time.
Job Scope
- Write news articles everyday (no word requirement). Minimum five articles a day, but we would prefer someone who writes as long as there is something to report
- Must be active for at least 1 – 2 hours daily
- Work with our incredible news team
- Dig for new stories on a regular basis
Who we are looking for
- Someone independent, does work automatically, and is a team player
- Someone passionate about Nintendo and loves Nintendo
- Fluent in English
- Willing to learn new things and improve
- Basic Photoshop / Paint / GIMP skills (good to have, not a must)
- Understands Japanese (good to have, not a must)
Who we are NOT looking for
- “Just trying this out to see if it fits me”
- Lazy people
- Doing this for money
- People who think this is a full time career
- Work with the fastest growing Nintendo fansite in the world (good to have on your CV!)
- Access to a huge library of games for review, from the biggest AAA titles to indie games
- Access to publishers, developers, and manufacturers for all sorts of opportunities
- Access to industry events (depending on where you live)
- Incentive program for great performance
- Experience you can take away and valuable connections
Click here to access the application form.
Developers Ratata Arts and TVT have released a new trailer for Ratatan, their spiritual successor…
Materia Collective and composer Grant Kirkhope have announced a DONKEY KONG 64 Revisited music album…
Over the course of this weekend, Pokemon Scarlet And Violet players will be challenging a 7…
The Pokemon Company has started a new Mystery Gift distribution for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.…
Nintendo has announced they will be participating in the Taipei Game Show 2025. This announcement…
Pokemon fans in Japan can look forward to even more Pokemon pals that they can…