Best Denki Publishes Results Of Their Investigation Into Nintendo Switch Scalper Claims
Earlier this week, the Japanese Internet went into an uproar over a claim that Japanese retailer Best Denki could have been offloading Nintendo Switch stock to scalpers reselling the consoles to China.
Best Denki has conducted an investigation and published the results of this investigation on their official website. According to the report, the retailer has strictly enforced a “1 person 1 console” rule since the first half of the year, and a check on Nintendo Switch sales show that this was enforced throughout the company.
However, there was an incident one day where 3 customers each purchased a Nintendo Switch, and in order to make things convenient for the 3 customers (who are probably related to each other), store employees provided them a Nintendo Switch carton, which had the Best Denki shipping label on it.
Best Denki says that the results of the investigation show that no one at their company has directly offloaded Nintendo Switch consoles to “illegal distribution channels”, and they will strengthen their “anti-scalper measures” by restricting 1 Nintendo Switch console per transaction.
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