Brazilian Indie Developers And Nintendo Fans Are Organizing An Unofficial Nintendo Direct

Brazilian Indie Developers And Nintendo Fans Are Organizing An Unofficial Nintendo Direct

It’s no secret that Nintendo has a minimal presence in Brazil. This has been a topic of frustration for many local Nintendo fans, and now many of them are hoping to make their voices heard – in the most Direct form possible.

Recently, several of them have banded together with various indie developers to host their own ‘Independent Nintendo Direct’. The 20-minute broadcast takes place tomorrow (Tuesday, 16 July 2019 – 4pm PT, 7pm EST) – and will feature more than “25 national games available for the Nintendo Switch, and promises some surprises not yet officially announced” according to the official blurb.

A quick list of the developers who will be present is below. You can catch the ‘Direct’ when it goes live over here.
