Cadence Of Hyrule Could Be Launching In May 2019
Today we have some interesting news for those of you waiting for Crypt of the Necrodancer and The Legend of Zelda crossover Cadence of Hyrule.
As you know, Cadence of Hyrule currently has a Spring 2019 launch window. But today an email sent out by Nintendo of Europe suggests it could be released in May 2019.
In an email titled “What to expect in May!”, Cadence of Hyrule was listed alongside other Nintendo Switch games such as Resident Evil 0 and 4 launching in May 2019. This could mean Cadence of Hyrule will launch in May.
There’s a chance this could have been sent out by mistake, as SteamWorld Quest, a game released in April, was also listed in the email. All we can do now is wait for Nintendo to confirm the game’s official release date.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.