Cat Simulation RPG Cattails Free Content Update Version 1.3 Now Live For Switch
Cattails, the popular cat simulation RPG, has just received a meaty update previously rolled out for other platforms.
Now, new romance options, a brand new task system including new active skills and vendor discounts have been added. In addition, a few quality of life adjustments and bug fixes were implemented. For the full details, head on to the website here.
Here are the patch notes:
In addition to these new features, we made a number of smaller changes.
- Added a ‘skip tutorial’ option if you make a new file on a computer that already has at least 1 other file
- Elli will now allow you to change your kittens’ names for 25 mews
- Added some unique wedding dialog pieces for many marriageable cats
- Reduced size of collision box on custom colony dens to allow for more flexible placement options
- 7 new coat colors to collect!
- Nintendo Switch: Fixed night-walking cats glitch
- Various bug fixes & typo fixes