China: Latest Sales Data And File Sizes For Nvidia Shield’s Wii And GameCube Titles
Today we’ve received new information on how Nintendo’s Wii and GameCube games are performing on Nvidia Shield in mainland China, as well as their file sizes.
First, here’s the updated list of sales figures:
Super Mario Galaxy: 6146 downloads
New Super Mario Bros. Wii: 5257 downloads
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: 3099 downloads
Punch-Out!: 1474 downloads
Five months ago, we posted sales data for all of these games. In the span of five months, Super Mario Galaxy gained 890 sales, New Super Mario Bros. Wii sold 1089 units, Twilight Princess was downloaded 677 more times, and Punch-Out! received 101 more downloads. Given that mainland China is a very large market, the sales in 5 months are somewhat disappointing.
Finally, we also have a idea of how large these games are:
Super Mario Galaxy: 1.3GB
New Super Mario Bros. Wii: 392.7MB
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: 997.7MB
Punch-Out!!: 2.0GB
The next Wii game heading to the system is Mario Kart Wii. No word on its release date yet.
There’s also now a way to purchase the Chinese Nvidia Shield which will allow you to purchase these games via WeChat/Alipay. You can order one via Chinese retailer Jd (ships worldwide).
Thanks, Chinese Nintendo.