Epic Games Releasing Their Cross Platform Services To All Developers
Today, Epic Games have made a major announcement!
They will be making their Cross Platform services used for games such as Fortnite available for all gaming developers!
Epic has stated themselves in a blog post:
At Epic, our goal is to help game developers succeed. Throughout 2019, we’ll be launching a large set of cross-platform game services originally built for Fortnite, and battle-tested with 200,000,000 players across 7 platforms. These services will be free for all developers, and will be open to all engines, all platforms, and all stores. As a developer, you’re free to choose mix-and-match solutions from Epic and others as you wish.
They further go on to say:
Cross-Platform Login, Friends, Presence, Profile, and Entitlements (coming Q2-Q3 2019 to PC, other platforms throughout 2019): Provides the core functionality for persistently recognizing players across multiple sessions and devices; identifying friends; and managing free and paid item entitlements. This will support all 7 major platforms (PC, Mac, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch) to the full extent each platform allows per-title.
This is huge as it will allow Playstation, Xbox and Switch to crossplay on any game that supports this! It will also be launching in “Q2-Q3 2019”!
Check out the rest of the blog post here!
If we have any more information to share on this topic we will cover it here at Nintendo Soup so stay tuned!