Fan-Art: What If Princess Peach Visited A Wild-West Kingdom?
From week to week, the fantastic fan-art of Nintendo’s Princess Peach is an evergreen source of creativity – and today is hardly an exception.
Artist @jivke recently posted a beautiful mock-up of what the Mushroom Kingdom’s monarch would look like if she were a wild-western character. It’s a nice blend of Peach’s regular dress, but with some frills from the old times. The fan-made design even gives her a personal revolver, for good measure!
western peach design. always keeps her gun "ole bullet bill" on her. pic.twitter.com/mF3JQHL7AE
— jivke 😶🌫️ (@jivke) April 7, 2019
While the concept takes some liberties with Peach’s…proportions, it’s not entirely out of left-field. After all, Nintendo themselves likewise experimented with Peach wearing other regional costumes in Super Mario Odyssey.
Perhaps if the game received DLC kingdoms in the future, we might see Peach don some wild costumes like this. Until then, we’ll just havie to enjoy the wackiness that fan-artists can conjure up – like Princess Peach dressing up in Kingdom Hearts gear.