Fire Emblem Engage Introduces New Characters Amber And Jade
Nintendo has released some new character profiles and footage for Fire Emblem Engage.
This latest batch of profiles introduce us to Amber and Jade, two royal soldiers from Brodia. This is accompanied by short clips showing off their personalities and skills in battle.
You can check them out below, with translations via SatsumaFS.
Amber is a soldier of Brodia stationed at the capital, and Diamant's retainer. He is endlessly positive and innocent, and a passionate knight. He's a romanticist who loves legends and myths of the world, but sometimes he causes trouble when trying things.
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 13, 2022
Amber's starting class is Lance Cavalier. Lance-wielding knights who excel at movement on the horses they control perfectly, with balanced stats.
Amber: "Understood!
I'm a hero!
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 13, 2022
アンバーと主君ディアマンドとの会話です。やってしまいました…#FEエンゲージ pic.twitter.com/RlIWSqHU6m
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) December 13, 2022
Amber: "Thank you! Now, let me put this awa- Woah!"
Diamant: "Are you alright? The bottle's broken."
Amber: "Oof…. Lord Diamant, let me tell you the truth…"
Diamant: "Did you breathe in the drug, Amber?"
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 13, 2022
ジェーデ(CV:三宅麻理恵さん)は「ブロディア王国」の王城兵で、ディアマンド王子の臣下。とても冷静で任務に忠実な騎士です。加えて無口なので、冷酷非道と称されますが、実は陽気で面白いことが好きです。困ったことがあると、ところ構わず瞑想を始めます。#FEエンゲージ pic.twitter.com/30RS9ZcAoD
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) December 14, 2022
When she's troubled, she starts meditating no matter where she is.
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 14, 2022
Jade's starting class is Axe Knight. A heavily armored axe infantry. While their defense is high, they're weak to magic.
Jade: "Yes.
This is the end.
You have my respect."
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 14, 2022
ジェーデと、同じブロディアの騎士アンバーとの会話です。小説を書く趣味があるようで、熱心に取材をしています。#FEエンゲージ pic.twitter.com/1jiOoZwcKG
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) December 14, 2022
Jade: "Amber, I want to hear your stories again today. They're good references for my novels."
Amber: "Sure! Getting my exploits written into novels is the best thing ever!"
Jade: "First, can you tell me about something you like?"
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 14, 2022
Amber: "If there were any alpacas around, I could show you my skills… Unfortunately, doesn't seem like there's any around here. What a shame…"
Jade: "What's that noise?"
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) December 14, 2022
Fire Emblem Engage launches 20th January 2023 for Switch.
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