Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ Latest Patch Silently Tones Down One Line Of Dialogue
Enjoying the latest major update for Fire Emblem: Three Houses? You may or may not notice an interesting change that was snuck into the game’s massive story.
Aside from completely replacing the male player character’s voice-actor, the update also appears to have altered one character’s support conversations. This change involves some small story spoilers, so you’ve been duly warned.
Namely, it looks like the update tones down the backstory of Bernadetta – a student from the Black Eagles. Originally, one of her lines of dialogue mentioned some touchy abuse at the hands of her family, but the latest update omits some of the more posssibly discomforting descriptions.
The change was noted by some users on GameFAQs and ResetEra, who posted the following screenshots for comparison:
While Nintendo has stated before that it will not force content changes onto third-party developers, the company has a known history of altering and censoring some of its first-party games in the West. One of the most infamous examples was the removal of the “skinship” minigame from the western release of Fire Emblem Fates. While it’s not as extreme here, it looks like Nintendo also felt it was necessary to make this one line seem less unnerving to audiences.
As it stands, we don’t know if any other lines of dialogue were affected with this update. We’ll report back if we learn more.
Which version of this dialogue would you have preferred to stick around in the game? Would you consider this censorship? Feel free to discuss your thoughts in the comments section below.