Fire Emblem: Three Houses Receives New Details, Images, And Video For Manuela
The official Fire Emblem Twitter account has published a new character feature on Manuela, one of the teachers at the Officer’s Academy in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Like the previous character showcases, this new feature details Manuela’s voice actor & character, as well as screenshots and video of her in-game.
Check it all out below:
-Voiced by Kojima Sachiko
– A former songstress who stood at the pinnacle of the capital’s Mittlefrank Opera Company. Now, she is a teacher and doctor at the Officer’s Academy.
– She has often been seen at school lamenting that she has yet to meet the man of her dreams.
– She has a crude side to her, but she is good at taking care of others, and is friendly to the new teacher, the protagonist.
運命の男性と出逢わないことを嘆く姿が学内でよく目撃される。少々がさつな所はあるが面倒見がよく、新人教師である主人公に対しても親切。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/FJnwgYD4pd— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 11, 2019
出会ったばかりの主人公にも気さくに接する、マヌエラとの会話です。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/wylb9kHWJB
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 11, 2019
Fire Emblem: Three Houses will be launching for Nintendo Switch in July 2019.