Fix For Pokemon GO To Pokemon HOME Regional Form Transfer Bug Now In The Works

Fix For Pokemon GO To Pokemon HOME Regional Form Transfer Bug Now In The Works

The Pokemon Company has confirmed that a fix for a rather interesting bug with Pokemon GO to Pokemon HOME transfers is now in the works.

The bug in question affects Pokemon that have regional variants such as Alolan Vulpix, Galarian Zigzagoon, and others. When tranferring these regional variants from Pokemon GO to Pokemon HOME, they will sometimes be given moves that only their original versions can learn. For example, Alolan Vulpix could be given the move Flamethrower, even though it cannot learn this move normally.

According to an in-app announcement, the developers will be rolling out a fix that will replace the illegal moves on the Pokemon soon. That said, the fix will be applied in waves across the affected Pokemon and not all at once, so it might still be possible for some players to still encounter this bug until its all sorted out.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
